Did You Know That The Forex Market Determines The Value Of Your Money?
Most people don't. I didn't until I stumbled across a website one day while performing internet research for a product that I had stumbled across. I began reading about the Foreign Exchange Market and immediately I was captured by the sheer size and importance of what the Forex market represents to me and my family. The foreign exchange marketplace is where the actual currencies of individual countries are traded around the world, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market has many nicknames, FOREX, FX market, currency trading etc., but what it really represents is the single most important marketplace on the planet. I call it the most important marketplace because what happens in the FX market has a direct effect on the value of the money in your pocket. Sense just about everything you do, need and desire is affected by the value of the money you have at any particular moment, learning what the Forex market is and how it affects your life is something everybody should be interested in doing.
The fundamental law that guides international currency values is the level of confidence that the Forex market as a whole has in one particular countries currency, relative to another countries currency. This confidence level is made up of multiple factors, including measurable economic data and non-measurable market psychological factors, but the underlying principle of it all is that the more stable the countries government, economy and history are, the more value will be placed on that countries currency. Once you begin to understand this principle, it will slowly dawn on you why certain pieces of information always make it onto the daily newscast! Terms like "lead economic indicators", "lower federal interest rates" and "consumer confidence index reports" will start to have real meaning to you as you start to realize the profound effect these things have on your daily life.
The stock market, governmental data reports concerning the nation's economy and political instability around the world reflect the overall health of the world's economy. The relative strength of the United States in terms of these international factors is reflected in the amount of goods the dollars in your pocket can buy at any given time. The stronger the dollar, the more food, clothes and gadgets you can buy. The weaker the dollar, the less stuff you can buy. Understanding this simple fact will show you that virtually every facet of your everyday life is being dictated by a market that you didn't even know existed! It's understandable if this fact leaves you a little dumbfounded, I sure was.
Once I realized how much power the Forex market had over my life I committed myself to learning as much about it as I could. It has not been easy. Apparently, access to the FX market has been restricted historically and not much information used to be available on the subject. As with everything else, the internet has changed all of that and now just about anybody with a computer and internet connection can gain access to this important market. It did not take long to discover that the FOREX is a huge beast and it was going to take time, effort and a large learning curve to get even a basic understanding of what was actually happening. I decided to write down what I was learning in the form of articles for two reasons:
1. I always found that forcing myself to write about a subject, made it easier to learn about that subject. I do not know why it works that way for me, it just does. Also, its always a good idea to have something written down in case you get distracted by one of life's emergencies and you have to put the subject down for whatever reason.
2. I wanted to be able to help other people to get at least a basic understanding about this market. It's just too important for people not to know anything about it.
So, I decided to write articles as I progress through my Forex learning curve, with the hope that it will help me and others learn about trading international currencies. I wanted to start with an article that focused on the importance of the market itself and how it related to your everyday life because that understanding is the key to being committed to learning about it. Exchanging currency is a difficult subject and in order to stick with it you must see the value in becoming familiar with it. That is what has kept me going and I am not stopping until I can make money on the Forex.
See you next article!
John Q
"Customer Service is saveyoursmile.com's mission!"
P.S. I still can hardly believe that the only reason that I even know about the FOREX market was because of some program that I tripped over while shopping in search of dental insurance. What was the product? The Forex-Killer software. What does it do? I really do not know yet. I have been researching the Forex market itself since I discovered it and I have not had the time to learn about the product but if you are interested in it simply click on this link and you will be taken to my initial review page about this Forex program or simply visit my website's Forex trading section.
Reuters - U.S. mortgage rates jumped to their highest levels since December in the latest week, complicating government efforts to bring mortgage rates down to levels that will spur demand and help the hard-hit housing market begin to recover.
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